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Language Rights Defenders Award

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (1940-2023) The Global Coalition for Language Rights is pleased to announce the first annual Language Rights Defenders Award. This award aims to recognize and honor individuals who demonstrate…
Gerald Roche
March 28, 2024

Picks from our archives

Multilingual families

Giving children the gift of bilingualism

Livia Gerber has just completed her Master of Research thesis entitled “We really believe that we have given our children a gift”: Discourses on bilingual child-rearing in an online parenting…
Multilingual families

Free language choice?!

Inspired by Quantum Cloud, Younghyung Chung, 2004 (Source: I don’t like the word 'choice.' So, when I recently asked someone I know well to consider an action that would…
Language and globalization

Virtually multilingual

English is the mother tongue of the Internet, or so it seems. English is omnipresent in the architecture of this breakthrough technology. You see it in the QWERTY keyboard, domain…
Language and tourism
Orientalism and tourism
Linguistic landscapes
Multilingual Tokyo
Intercultural communication
“We not ship to Russia”
Language in Australia
Decolonising sociolinguistic research
Multilingual families
A tale of two foreigners in Japan
Language and migration
Feeling weird using your home language?