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Language politics

What’s in a name?

Annastacia Palaszczuk and members of her family (Source: Couriermail) Would Kirk Douglas be a Hollywood legend if he had kept his birth name Issur Danielovitch? Would Bob Dylan have achieved…
Ingrid Piller
February 4, 2015

Ingrid Piller in Japanese: ピラー著書 刊行のお知らせ

4月9日刊行予定『異文化コミュニケーションを問いなおす』イングリッド・ピラー カバー・帯写真:渡邊リカルドWe are thrilled to announce that the Japanese translation of Ingrid Piller’s bestselling book Intercultural Communication: A Critical Introduction will be published by Sogensha (創元社) on the 9th of April,…