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With the increased global flows of people, media, and goods characteristic of the current phase of globalization, understanding intercultural communication has become more important than ever before.

Exploring how people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds communicate and what the social consequences of their interactions are has been a long-standing research focus of the Language-on-the-Move team.

Our Intercultural Communication research calls attention to the context-specific nature of language and culture contacts. Grounded in sociolinguistic ethnography, we focus on the use of different languages and/or language varieties as a central aspect of intercultural communication, and aim to illuminate the differential prestige of languages and language varieties, and the varying access that speakers have to them.

Research blog posts documenting our research in this strand are collected below. The main focus is on empirical research examining intercultural communication in the workplace, in education, in healthcare, and other domains. Contributors include established and novice researchers from around the world.

To learn more, Ingrid Piller’s monograph Intercultural Communication provides an up-to-date overview of the field of intercultural communication. The book explains intercultural communication in context using two main approaches. The first treats cultural identity, difference and similarity as discursive constructions. The second, informed by bilingualism studies, highlights the use and prestige of different languages and language varieties as well as the varying access that speakers have to them.

Research blog posts exploring intercultural communication in a wide range of contexts

Intercultural communication


Chinese version of my recent blog post about orientalism and tourism 东方主义,这种西方文化中对东方文化及人文的旧式及带有偏见的理解,可谓是由来已久、根深蒂固。一日偶读澳大利亚旅游杂志《出发和到达》中一篇题为“爱情游戏,中国风”的文章,我对东方主义在当今世界的影响力,尤其是在旅游文本中的呈现,感触尤为深刻。 乍看标题“爱情游戏,中国风”,觉得有趣而有些费解:什么样的“爱情游戏”可以称为“中国风”呢?接下来的副标题解释道:“远离现代社会的纷扰,中国纳西族在罕见的母系社会中独享亘古不变的清静”。文中描绘的中国西南边陲的云南白沙古镇是纳西族的故乡之一。而作者描绘的方式却使得白沙镇成为代表整个中国的一个影像:亘古不变,陷入一个远离现代文明的永恒世界。 (more…)
Chen Xiaoxiao 陈潇潇
September 2, 2010