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Language Rights Defenders Award

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (1940-2023) The Global Coalition for Language Rights is pleased to announce the first annual Language Rights Defenders Award. This award aims to recognize and honor individuals who demonstrate…
Gerald Roche
March 28, 2024

Picks from our archives

Language and migration

Bitter gifts: migrants’ exclusive inclusion

Condemned to consume My migration newsfeed in the past few weeks has been dominated by news about the Syrian refugee crisis and the various European and international responses. But there…
Language and migration

Superdiversity: another Eurocentric idea?

Website of the German Club Montevideo, founded in 1866 The current issue of Begegnung (“Encounter”), the magazine of German International Schools, has a feature about the German School in Montevideo,…
Linguistic landscapes

Toiletological English

Toiletological English Can you guess what kind of product the following text is promoting? Your well-being is close to our heart rail&fresh areas are bright and friendly and leave nothing…
Language learning
Linguistic extremism
Language in Australia
The burden of multilingualism in Australia
English as a global language
What’s next for the Queen’s English?
Language and globalization
중국식 영어(칭글리쉬)도 좀 봐 주자!
Language and globalization
Asia’s Chronic English Disease
Language and tourism
H.I.S. Research and Industry Forum on Linguistic Diversity and Tourism in Amazing Thailand