Name: Setsuko Furuuchi
Occupation: Student
Location: Opera House, Sydney, Australia

When Sestuko Furuuchi arrived in Australia, she only planned to stay for a three-month English course. As soon as she arrived in Sydney, she had a strong sense of belonging, saying to herself “This is my country!”. Several years later today, she is still in Sydney, calling Australia home and planning to migrate permanently. In this interview, she talks about how she fell in love with Australia immediately on her arrival, and how the country continues to impress her as a land of freedom.

氏名:古内 節子

今回Japanese on the Moveに登場するのはシドニー在住の古内節子さん。3ヶ月の英語コースが目的で来豪された当時はあまりオーストラリアについての知識はなかったが、到着した瞬間に「私の国!」と感じたとお話してくれた。数年たった今、古内さんにとってオーストラリアは「ホーム」となった。このインタビューでは来豪当時を振り返り、オーストラリアの魅力-「自由な国」-についてお話し頂いた。