Name: Kumiko Taguchi
Arrival in Australia: 1999
Occupation: Restaurant owner
Location: Crows Nest, Sydney, Australia

Kumiko Taguchi had three reasons to visit Australia in 1999. To begin with, she was tired of her job in Japan; second, she wanted to see her brother who was living in Sydney; and third, she needed to improve her English to pursue her dream of running a shoe import business. After studying English for three months and attending a business school, she worked at a jewellery shop for several years before she opened her own restaurant, Mihana, in Crows Nest. As a long-term resident in Sydney, she feels right at home, but she also knows that she can be happy wherever she may find herself living in the future. In this episode of Japanese-on-the-Move, Kumiko tells us about Mihana’s business concept and shares her reflections about bilingual expressions of emotion.


今回のJapanese on the Moveに登場して頂くのはシドニー在住の田口久美子さん。日本でのお仕事に疲れを感じ出していた頃、その当時シドニーで暮らしていた弟さんに会いに来豪する。将来靴の輸入業を考えていた為、英語を習得するのが目的でもあった。3ヶ月の英語学校を終え、ビジネスカレッジを卒業後、ジュエリーの会社に就職。その後クローズネストにある美花をオープンする事になる。1999年よりオーストラリアに住みシドニーを「ホーム」と感じる一方、「どこに住んでもうまくやっていけると思います」という田口さん。このインタビューでは美花のコンセプトそして英語と感情の関係についてお話頂いた。