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Language Rights Defenders Award

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (1940-2023) The Global Coalition for Language Rights is pleased to announce the first annual Language Rights Defenders Award. This award aims to recognize and honor individuals who demonstrate…
Gerald Roche
March 28, 2024

Picks from our archives

English as a global language

Multilingual provision is cheaper than English-Only

Hiroshi Mikitani, Englishnization in Marketplace 3.0 (Source: The business and self-help section of my local Kinokuniya bookstore is currently featuring shelves and shelves of Marketplace 3.0: Rewriting the rules…
Linguistic landscapes

Mal Lawwal: Linguistic landscapes of Qatar

New documentary explores identity in the linguistic landscape with a focus on Qatar Focusing on official street signs in Qatar written with non-standard Arabic spellings, Mal Lawal explores the complex interplay of…
Language learning

How the presence of a bilingual school changes the linguistic profile of a community

German International School Sydney It is one of the great narratives of our time that the market will fix everything. In education this means that parental choice is assumed to…
Language and social justice
Language, lies and statistics
Language politics
Language month in the Philippines
Language and globalization
From Minority Languages to Minoritized Languages
Multilingual families
Hanging on to German in the USA
Language learning
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Language and law
Language Rights in a Changing China